Cloud Object Storage Plugfest

Cloud Plugfest

The Cloud Object Storage Plugfest will be held September 16-18, 2024, co-located at the SNIA Developer Conference (SDC) in Santa Clara, California.

We have we hit a plateau in terms of compatibility among cloud object storage solutions and incompatibilities are costing our customers. There are no open forums to assist with multi-vendor testing – until now!

This Cloud Object Storage Plugfest represents an opportunity for industry innovators to collaborate and enhance interoperability among private and public cloud object storage solutions. If your organization is developing S3-compatible object storage or develops software that utilizes object storage in any use case, your participation would be invaluable.

The goal of the plugfest is to create a space where everyone can come together, test their tech, find problems, and fix them. SNIA takes care of the space and tools needed, while the people participating in the plugfest plan out the tests to make sure everything goes smoothly. Everyone agrees to keep things secret under (NDA).

You don't need to have a finished product to join in. Even if you think you're not ready, it's still a great idea to come, test your work, ask questions, and talk with others.

How Your Company Can Participate:

Step #1: Designate a primary representative for your company regarding the plugfest. E-mail with any questions.
Step #2: Primary rep completes the Cloud Object Plugfest Company Sign-up Form on behalf of all company plugfest participants.
Step #3: After receiving a Company Sign-up confirmation e-mail, the primary rep distributes the special plugfest registration link and code to all company plugfest participants.
Step #4: Each company plugfest participant then uses the special link and code to register and pays a discounted $895* fee for the plugfest and conference.

The fee includes full access to the SNIA Developer Conference and event meals. This special fee is strictly for those who are involved in the plugfest.

* If any of your developers are already going to the conference because they're speaking or their spot is paid for by a sponsor, they don't have to pay to participate in the plugfest.


Interested, but not ready to register?

Send e-mail to to get on our Cloud Plugfest "Interest" list.

Additional Resources

If you have any additional questions, please email