Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA), with its ultra-high storage density and long durability, is a promising long-term archival storage medium and is…
David Du

Dr. Du is currently the Qwest Chair Professor of Computer Science and Engineering at University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. He was the Center Director of the NSF multi-university (joint with Texas A&M and Temple University) I/UCRC Center of Research in Intelligent Storage (CRIS) from 2009-2021. In additional to NSF, CRIS was sponsored by 18 companies in the past with 3.35M industrial membership funding to University of Minnesota. These companies include Xyratex (2010-2014), Seagate (2010-2019), Los Alamos National Lab (2010-2012), Symantec (2010-2012), Veritas (2016-2019), NEC-Lab (2012-2015), NetApp (2012-2017), Dell/Compellent (2013-2018), HPE (2013-2019), Hitachi Global Storage Systems (2013-2014), LSI (2012-2014), SGI (2013-2016), FedCentric (2013-2015), SK-Telecom (2014-2016), Cray Research (2014-2016), IBM (2015-2017), Intel (2015-2018), Huawei (2016-2018), and Salesforce (2016-2018). The other faculty involved in CRIS include David Lilja, Jon Weissman, Abhishek Chandra, and Mohamed Mokbel. Before NSF I/UCRC Center, he organized an Intelligent Storage Consortium at Digital Technology Center with industrial funding from StorageTek, Veritas, LSI Logic, LANL, Sun Micro, ETRI/Korea, and ITRI/Taiwan from 2002-2009. He was a Program Director (IPA) at National Science Foundation CISE/CNS Division from March 2006 to August 2008. At NSF, he was responsible for NeTS (Networking Research cluster) NOSS (Networks of Sensor Systems) Program and worked with two other colleagues, Karl Levitt and Ralph Wachter, on Cyber Trust (Internet Security) Program. In 2008 he was also assigned to CSR (Computer System Research) Cluster for handling research in computer systems. Dr. Du receives a B.S degree in Mathematics from National Tsing-Hua University (Taiwan) in 1974 and an M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from University of Washington (Seattle) in 1980 and 1981 respectively. He joined University of Minnesota as a faculty since 1981. Dr. Du also has been a visiting professor in Germany, Korea, Singapore, Hong Kong and Taiwan.